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- TF01
- 3,The Ashes Of Eden - An Overview
- 4,by Colin Gunn
- This, for me and alot of other fans, was one of the most eagerly
- awaited novels to emerge from the Pocket stable. What is in fact the
- only Trek novel to date to be written by a member of the cast (comic
- books have been penned by cast members before, but never novels),
- also turns out to be a very personal voyage for the author as well.
- Although the books can never be accepted as Star Trek lore, this one
- must come the closest in being accepted as part of continuity to the
- Star Trek story line.
- This first (of a proposed trilogy, the second being released in April
- 1996 called The Return) has been released in three formats. The
- traditionaly accepted hardback (soon to be papaerback) release, and
- what is a first for the novels - a simultaneous graphic novel
- adaptation of the book published by DC comics.
- The Novel
- ---------
- Although credited with writing the book, William Shatner actually
- came up with the ideas behind the events of the story (as with his
- series of Tek books which are written by Ron Goulant). The main
- writers are veteran Trek scribes Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens.
- The events of the story begin soon after Picard has buried Kirk on
- the desolate side of the planet Veridian III, as seen in the movie
- Generations. Spock comes to be by the graveside of his friend to
- oversee the removal of his body for transporatation back to Earth.
- But Spock begins to recall the last time he saw his friend and the
- adventure that led Kirk to the events seen prior to his being on the
- Enterprise B for its inaugural voyage. Kirk's feelings at this time
- seem to parallel those as we saw in Star Trek II. He feels old and
- that there is no place left for him. Of course when the chance of a
- new adventure arises he is more than eager to accept, even to the
- extent of alienating himself from his friends. What follows is a
- very personal voyage for Kirk, and in parts one for Shatner too!
- There are references in the storyline (which if you have read the
- first of his Star Trek Memories) are a direct take on certain times
- of his life. In the novel he openly admits that he has alienated
- himself from those that he feels close to by putting his own ego
- first. The scene where Kirk is with Scotty in the alien bar is very
- fitting, as he said in his book that he would enjoy to have a drink
- with Jimmy Doohan to try and patch things up (which appears to have
- happened at last), and indeed Scotty holds nothing back while he
- tells Kirk that he feels at times he was always putting himself first
- at the expense of others. And in true Kirk style he falls hook line
- and sinker for the babe!
- Being at an all time low in his life, Kirk decides to accept a
- mission that would at first seem like a fairy tale to some. The
- chance of a fountain of youth is too much for him and he eagerly
- accepts the chance to help a struggling planet to keep its secret.
- The way that Kirk is feeling would seem to fit in with the characters
- change of attitudes as he gets older. We know he doesn't fit in with
- life behind a desk and would much sooner be out there making a
- difference. So perhaps we can understand the way that he is feeling
- towards his closest friends (at first appearing to be slightly out of
- character).
- The novel is well paced out, with various subplots along the way. The
- conspiracy plotline from Star Trek VI comes to a head as we discover
- the implications of the acts started by Admiral Cartwright was only
- the tip of the iceberg, and was only one of many involved in the
- radical views that some seem to share in the Federation.
- I liked the premise behind what the true secret of the planet Chal
- is. The idea that the Romulans were looking to protect themselves by
- not creating this genetically bred race for war but so as to protect
- the species, is an interesting new way to view one of the Federations
- deadliest foes. And also the Enterprise A gets to go out in a blaze
- of glory to make even the hardest ships Captain proud of his ship.
- One aspect of the book I wasn't to keen on is one that seems to be
- croping up in the Trek universe since the death of Gene, is the need
- to have covert operations going on all the time (take for example the
- secret police of the Vulcan society in the episode GAMBIT 1 and 2).
- This book has Chekov and Uhura on a deadly undercover mission to try
- and ascertain a Klingon plot involving illegal weapons buying. I
- also think the handling of the confrontation between Chekov and Sulu
- was way out - this is my only gripe with the book.
- As you will all be aware now, the second of the books, The Return,
- due out soon deals with the return of Kirk, and at the very end of
- this novel a large clue is given that leads into the next book as to
- how he returns (read the description given of the shadow blacking out
- the sky etc...). It is fairly safe to say that Bill is fairly
- saddend at the death of his character (and also fans reaction to his
- death), and would seem to be offering up his own ideas on how to
- bring Kirk back.
- For those of you that are not Shatner fans, then look at this book as
- a new Star Trek novel and I can safely say you won't be disappointed.
- And to those same fans, you may find your atitude towards Bill
- cooling off a bit, as he incorparates a very personal and heartfelt
- approach to this story.
- The Graphic Novel
- -----------------
- This adaptation is a first in the regards that it is the only novel
- to be adapted to comics form from a Pocket novel. William Shatner
- was also involved with the production of this version of his story
- along with the two authors.
- It differs very slightly in so much as none of the scenes on Veridian
- III are included. The story starts with Kirk reviewing one of his
- holodeck adventures that have been programmed for future cadets to
- study, and ends with him returning on the Excelsior to Earth. What
- is surprising is that this actually works as a graphic novel. The
- artwork is very impressive indeed. I found this book to complement
- the novel in ways that perhaps a movie would. It was interesting to
- see the way that the artist (under Bill's supervision) handled his
- interpretation of this adventure.
- If you like Trek in comics then you are going to love this. The only
- other Trek comic that comes close to this is DEBT OF HONOR that was
- released some time ago. Yet again a must have for the collection.
- The Audio Novel
- ---------------
- As with all of the recent Pocket Book novels, Ashes has been released
- as an Audio Book. The story is the same with some very basic changes
- in mood and tempo.
- Again wanting to be apart of this adventure, William Shatner actually
- reads this version of his story (his first for the Audio series, not
- counting the intros he did for the CD set). The sound effects and
- music certainly add to the tension and adventure generated by the
- story teller, and you don't realise how quick three hours passes
- when listening to it. I would have to say that along with the Jimmy
- Doohan and John De Lancie readings that Bill's adaptation sits up
- there on a high with those.
- Overview
- --------
- To single one of the above out is fairly unfair as all add to the
- story generated by Bill. I found that reading the novel and the
- graphic novel some time apart did not in any way deter from the fact
- that they are two well presented stand alone versions of the same
- story. Obviously the novel has more to offer in the line of more
- detail and character development, but the grahic novel does not lack
- for this. The audio novel also adds to the atmosphere as you can
- hear Bill putting his feelings into what he has conveyed in the
- story.
- All are truly a unique look into another chapter into the life of
- Captain Kirk (and indeed William Shatner), and if you don't collect
- the novels then you may collect Trek in comics form, or just collect
- the audio adaptations, whatever, this story is there for you all to
- enjoy.